
Run Home Derby

Published: 5/4/2022
By: Andrew Neyer

When we play, we discover. Too often, our creative work becomes crippled by the expectations we impose. The purpose of Play is not to ponder but instead to start excavating through the mundane. The medium itself is less important than how we choose to use it. Our explorations are often met with failure but can lead to uncovering the extraordinary. Recording these explorations can be expensive, so invest proportionally to your strategy. 

Step 1: Record

Just push record. By discarding a plan of what to record, draw, write, direct, manage, or mine, we set the stage for creativity. 

Step 2: Explore

Exploration is the leverage in the Play cycle. Keep pushing the medium farther and farther. Respond to your surroundings and try new techniques.

Step 3: Edit

Play is a magical balancing act that relies on the strength of the edit. Our explorations get refined into one final edit. The edit is your opportunity to remove everything that doesn't work or isn't needed. This step requires an entirely different mindset. It isn't easy to edit your own work, which sometimes requires outside perspectives. Knowing who your work is for helps direct the final product.




– Where is your playground?
– How do you record?
– Which is your favorite step in the Play cycle?




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